

Unpredictable Solutionsbecause safety is a matter of taking risks

Prevention, detection and response capabilities, robust protection without impacting the user experience, remote communications, integrated devices management, data analysis, real-time response, resume with minimal interruptions are only some of the essential characteristics a security product should guarantee. Threats advance and evolution are quick and complex.
Our creative and continuous research based solutions include proprietary hardware and software encryption and are client tailored. We design chips as well as software and provide integration and testing, because a primary client’s need is project evolution safety: we are a single interlocutor and anything we design takes into account client’s peculiar features.

Services provided

Within the AI domain we focus on..

An adaptive system fits its behaviour according to changes in its environment or in parts of the system itself, to quickly respond to evolving trends, innovation, destabilization and so forth.

IoT (Internet of Things) is generating new fields of application for sensors. They detect and respond to solicitations generated in any environment.

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the network edge, optimizing response times and bandwidth use.

Any scenery involving natural disaster, dangerous environments, short and urgent timing, unexpected change of purpose or sudden interaction with foreign architecture.

The ability to shape system architecture to share information and purposes in real time, creating a robot and software team that actively participates to mission accomplishment.

Any system we produce can talk and work together with any previous existing system. This way routines and previous knowledges are saved.

Real time big data analytics is referred to the process of analysing large volume of data at the moment it is produced or used.

CNN can take in an input image, assign importance to various aspects or objects and differentiate one from the other: with a tailored training, they learn these filters and characteristics.

A form of Artificial Intelligence that, thanks to algorithms, learns from data and automatically improves through experience.

Smart technology integrated for increased automation, improved communication and self-monitoring. Production of smart machines that can analyse and diagnose issues without human intervention.


Connecting innovation to your business success

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